Clay Wave

The Clay Wave is a design and fabrication research project that utilizes generative design methods to create complex architectural geometries which is then constructed with mixed reality digital tools as the primary construction document. The primary research objective is to develop alternative methods of constructing complex steel projects without the use specialized steel bending machine technologies. With the steel rod as the constant material, our research expanded into using ceramic materials with the steel for application in a building façade.

Generative Design

The process began with an intensive generative design phase using Grasshopper within Rhino 3D to create complex steel rod designs. A portion of my generated design was selected for the base geometry and steel design, followed by the incorporation of ceramic tiles. The design development process included the detailing of ceramic attachments to the steel and preparing the generated steel rod design for mixed reality tools with Fologram as the main mixed reality tool.

Utilizing grasshopper with the fologram plugin, the steel design was organized into a digital construction model document that could be interacted with in the digital space with Microsoft Hololens. The digital model served as a real time guide, accessed with hololens that aided the steel bending, welding and ceramic fabrication.
App Development

In addition to the design and fabrication research, an interactive AR app was developed so that others could access the fabrication research methods to construction the design on their own. The app was developed using Unity software and Microsoft Mixed Reality Tool Kit (MRTK) with additional C# coding.  
Collaborators: Nehal Patel, John Wang, and Eric Zhou.
Instructors: Soomeen Hahm, Hunjam Kim
AT: Shun Sasuki

© Freeland Livingston